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    Tomato deseeder - Cutting and Peeling

    A tomato trimmer, also known as a cherry tomato, is a small kitchen tool designed to quickly and effectively remove stems and hard parts of tomatoes, especially small cherry tomatoes or grapes. This makes it possible to prepare tomatoes for cooking, salad or other uses without having to cut them individually.

    These trimmers are generally designed to be simple to use and clean. They can vary in design and mechanism, but in general they are designed to remove the stem and unwanted parts of the tomato while leaving the fruit intact.

    Typically, a tomato trimmer works as follows:

    Preparing the

    ... tomato: Insert the tomato stem into the opening of the trimmer.

    Pressure and Removal: Apply light pressure to the trimmer while twisting it. This should remove the stem and hard part of the tomato in a single movement.

    Result: You will get a clean tomato ready to use in your recipes.

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