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  • Inspirations

    Sound control screen - Office furniture

    A sound screen, also known as an acoustic panel or acoustic screen, is a panel designed to absorb or reduce noise and vibration in a given space.

    These screens are used to enhance acoustics in work environments, public spaces, meeting rooms, recording studios, restaurants, classrooms and other places where noise control is essential for comfort and productivity.

    Some European manufacturers of sound screens are:

    Abstracta: Abstracta is a Swedish brand specializing in soundproofing and acoustic management solutions for office spaces and public environments.

    Kvadrat: Kvadrat is an internationally renowned Danish company specializing in textiles and acoustic coatings to improve the

    FONOLOGY - concretech - Sound Control Screen

    MDF perforated panel modules with concrete surface finish.Concretech features a concrete coated ...

    Price upon request
    FONOLOGY - decorvox - Sound Control Screen

    WOOL FELT SOUND-ABSORBING PANELS. Decorvox is made from 80% natural wool. Perfect for the most ...

    2 déclinaisons

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    FONOLOGY - airgraf - Sound Control Screen

    Modular polyester fibre panel for thermal and acoustic insulation, Airgraf contains a percentage of ...

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    FONOLOGY - airform - Sound Control Screen

    Designer : Paolo Pampanoni

    Modular polyester fibre panel for thermal and acoustic insulation. Airform contains a percentage of ...

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    FONOLOGY -  - Sound Control Screen

    Phonic revetment

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    FONOLOGY - petra - Sound Control Screen

    MDF perforated panel modules with natural stone surface finish, Petra features a natural stone ...

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    FONOLOGY - metalia - Sound Control Screen

    SHEET METAL PANELS WITH THREE-DIMENSIONAL HOLES, Metalia is made of sheet steel. Images across the ...

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    FONOLOGY - listen dogato - Sound Control Screen

    Sound-absorbing MDF modules With wood veneer slats or tiles. Perfect for the most refined and ...

    Price upon request
    FONOLOGY - easy air - Sound Control Screen

    Listen is made of MDF. The raw material used includes many types of wood. Wood Ceilings: ceilings ...

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    ... acoustics of interior spaces.

    SilentLab: SilentLab is a Czech company specialized in modular acoustic solutions, including sound screens for office environments and workspaces.

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