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    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art
    17 rue des Beaux-Arts
    T. +33(0) 1 43 54 85 74
    F. +33(0) 1 43 54 11 12
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    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art

    Activité : Antique dealer  
    GALERIE MEYER-OCEANIC ART is the only Primitive Art gallery in Europe devoted exclusively to the fine arts of Oceania. This specialization gives our clients, both private collectors and public institutions, the unique opportunity to purchase pieces that are chosen for their aesthetic qualities, condition and rarity. GALERIE MEYER is interested in purchasing fine Oceanic works of art as well as related documentation. We are available for appraisal and evaluation of individual items as well as entire collections. Prices and full-condition report are available on request.
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    Products of Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art

    (15 Produits)
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - palau bubu - Club And Morning Star

    palau bubu

    A very finely decorated palau bubu type war club with flat bevelved tip. Shell money (diwarra) bound ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - go porowa ra maru - Club And Morning Star

    go porowa ra maru

    Club and morning star

    A fine, old bird-head war club or go porowa ra maru (in the Paici language). This type of weapon, ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art -  - Dagger

    Meyer-Polynesie Gallery

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art -  - Dagger

    A very fine fighting dagger with the handle modeled as a stylized human head with the head of a ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - poignée d'éventail - Fan

    poignée d'éventail

    A very fine, chiefly fan handle. The decoration is composed of two, superimposed, janus pairs of ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - kali - Headrest


    A mono-bloc headrest, or kali carved in a single fluid line - the incurving legs with beveled feet ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art -  - Headrest

    A small, pocket size headrest with four ancestor heads. This example and another one (N° 15 Meyer ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - kami - Headrest



    A very fine headrest carved as a janus ancestor figure or kami - the spirit of all past, supporting ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art -  - Oceanian Mask

    A large very fine and unusual yam mask used in the yam fertility & harvest ceremonies to humanize ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - bol cérémonielle - Offering Cup

    bol cérémonielle

    A magnificent ceremonial food bowl for the consumption of laplap or nalot, vegetarian puddings. A ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - bol de cérémonie - Offering Cup

    bol de cérémonie

    Offering cup

    A large ceremonial food bowl carved with two lizards and two architectural (?) elements in low ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art -  - Shield

    A fine war shield made of wood and cane slats. While it generally appears that this is a rarer type ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - statue d'ancêtre - Statue

    statue d'ancêtre

    A rare, highly stylized male ancestor figure. He is shown with arms bent at the elbows and hands to ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art -  - Yipwon

    A superb small yipwon, or hook-figure, which was carried and used as an amulet, or charm, during ...

    Price upon request
    Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art - esprit de la guerre ou de la chasse - Yipwon

    esprit de la guerre ou de la chasse


    A large and archaic yipwon, or hook-figure. The yipwon represent great spirits that are specifically ...

    Price upon request

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