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    Anti moss - Cleaning agents and abrasives

    An anti-moss cleaner is a product used to eliminate moss, algae and lichen that can grow on various outdoor surfaces, such as roofs, terraces, walls, driveways, paving stones, etc. This type of product is generally designed for outdoor use and can be available in liquid, foam or powder form. This type of product is generally designed for outdoor use and may be available in liquid, foam or powder form. Here are a few important points to know about antifoam cleaners:

    Chemical composition: Anti-foam cleaners generally contain active chemical agents that work to kill and eliminate moss and algae. Some commonly

    STARWAX -  - Anti Moss
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    GUARD INDUSTRIE -  - Anti Moss

    Anti-foam treatment curative and preventive with long-lasting effect, AntiMousses Guard radically ...

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    ... used ingredients include quaternary ammonium derivatives, surfactants, hydrogen peroxides, antifungal agents, etc.

    Method of application: Anti-foam cleaners are generally applied to affected surfaces using a sprayer, brush or sponge. Some products require rinsing after application, while others can work by self-cleaning or with the help of rain.

    Precautions for use: It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using an anti-foam cleaner, as some products may be corrosive or require special precautions. It is recommended to wear gloves, protective goggles and to ventilate the area well when applying the product.

    Suitable surface: Anti-foam cleaners are generally intended for use on hard, non-porous surfaces, such as concrete, tiles, slate, stone, etc. It's important to check that the product is suitable for the specific surface you want to apply it to.

    Prevention: Regular use of an anti-foam cleaner can help prevent the formation of moss and algae. It is recommended that you treat the surfaces concerned once or twice a year, or as recommended by the manufacturer, to maintain cleanliness and prevent long-term moss growth.

    There are a number of reputable manufacturers who produce cleaning anti-foam products. Here are a few of them:

    HG: HG is a brand that specialises in household cleaning products, including defoamers. Their range includes various products to eliminate moss and algae on outdoor surfaces.

    Algimouss: Algimouss specialises in cleaning solutions for removing moss, algae and lichen. They offer a range of anti-moss products adapted to different outdoor surfaces.

    Starwax: Starwax is a well-known brand in the field of maintenance and cleaning products. They offer a variety of anti-foam products for cleaning outdoor surfaces.

    Sika: Sika is a leading company in the field of construction chemicals. They also offer solutions for the removal of moss, algae and lichen from outdoor surfaces.

    Rubson : Rubson is a brand specialising in products for waterproofing and protecting surfaces. Their range includes anti-moss products for cleaning roofs, terraces and other outdoor surfaces. 

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