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  • Inspirations

    Univers :  Carpets Rugs Tapestries

    Carpets, rugs, tapestries

    Give your floors something to shout about! Transform your interior into a work of art with our selection of modern rugs.

    After the classical period and the cartoons by Le Brun, Poussin and Boucher, tapestries became a thing of the past until the 1950s, when Léger, Delaunay and Calder were among the artists to see in their revival. In 2008, tapestries made another comeback with Camille Chevalier, whose rug company works with artists and designers including Daniel Buren, who has added his trademark stripes to the collection. If you can’t afford one of the ten signed limited edition rugs, not to worry. There are plenty of stylish, affordable rugs around. Barcelona-based artist Nani Marquina made modern rugs popular in the early 80s. Her rugs are vibrant and colourful, typical of the Movida movement. Many an artist has drawn inspiration from her work. Jean-Charles de Casteblajac has adapted his rock-style fashion to iconic rugs. The result is illustrated posters of Mao, Rimbaud, the Union Jack and electric guitars.

    Technical innovations have heralded greater precision in patterns and colours. Designers even produce optical illusions with their trompe-l'œil rugs: the NYC sewer manhole cover, Yvette Laduk’s  Woody Wood Rug, a cross-section of a tree, Simone Pullens’ chequered tablecloth and Marcel Wanders’ patterned china plate. Rugs are now fun. We can play around with modular rugs such as Sylvain Willenz’s Petrol felt discs or Lily Latifi’s 1 +1 collection, a giant jigsaw puzzle put together according to size, pattern and your mood. Arzu Firuz draws her inspiration from traditional Persian rugs and her native Turkey. She uses laser cutting techniques to create an openwork design that makes her Rosace and Red Carpet rugs as exquisite as lacework. These rugs may appear fragile, but are actually made of vinyl used for public facilities, making them perfect doormats and corridor decorations.

    Natural style is currently all the rage in minimalist interiors. These plain rugs shun bright colours, favouring raw materials. Organic rugs are made of woven sisal, raffia and seagrass. Soft long shag rugs or animal skins provide more comfort for lounging on the floor. Patricia Urquiola loves the raised aspect of wool. Mangas, presented at the Maison&Objet show last January, looks like a never-ending knitted scarf. She alternates weaves, creating random outlines, sometimes curved, sometimes straight.

    Designer rugs. A hand-knotted kilim or Berber rug really sets off concrete or parquet floors. Fortunately for us, this craft has not been lost since the first rugs woven by nomads in the Steppes of Central Asia. Avchar, Shirvan, Kazak and Ziegler are among the names that send our minds racing to the villages and tribes where this art form lives on. The patterns are accurately reproduced on weaving looms. The origin of such rugs can be ascertained by checking the patterns or the dyes used.

    When it comes to rugs, you’re spoilt for choice. Whether you prefer a flamboyant feel, natural ambiances or designer effects, you’re sure to find a rug that suits your style. In honour of so much talent, we’ve rolled out the red carpet!

    Teixidors CHILEWICH Alterego-Design Maison De Vacances Designers Guild La Manufacture  Cogolin LELIEVRE

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