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    Univers :  Doors and Windows

    Let's not leave the door open to draughts anymore! Comfort, energy savings, security... we have everything to gain from renewing the doors and windows in our homes. The quality of the glazing and joinery has improved so much that we can save up to 40% in heat loss... and reduce our bills by 30%. Of course, this work requires a significant investment. Tax deductions, loans and specific subsidies such as the Anah are there to help us. The orientation of the windows, the style of the house and the changing climate are the determining factors in the choice of materials, glazing and windows. Wood, PVC or aluminium are the three possible types of joinery, each with their own advantages. Wood is thermally efficient but requires regular maintenance, unlike plastic. Rot-proof, resistant and economical, PVC is the guarantee of worry-free windows. Aluminium, which is thin and available in many colours, is a good match for modern buildings. For its mechanical resistance, it is the preferred material for large openings such as bay windows. Unlike other materials, aluminium windows are almost always
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    ... made to measure. The best: mixed joinery combining the advantages of two materials. These materials are available in all shapes and forms. The type of opening is motivated by aesthetic, practical but also cultural reasons. Each country has its own way of opening windows. In France, the most common is the casement window with two sashes. It opens inwards, unlike the English one. The tilting window is said to be Italian, Canadian or Australian depending on its opening axis. For kitchens and bedrooms, the current model is the tilt-and-turn which allows ventilation from the top with confidence. Sliding or hung windows have the advantage of not encroaching on the interior space. This type of bay is commonly used for French windows. The last fundamental parameter: the glazing. Double glazing, which is now compulsory, has been the norm since the 1970s. Its qualities in terms of sound and heat insulation are no longer to be proven. Thermal performance is calculated by the UW coefficient expressed in W / m².k. For maximum gains, this coefficient must be as low as possible, less than 1.4 W / m².k.  To increase safety and for the opposite side, windows located on the ground floor can be equipped with films and grilles. It is not mandatory to change its shutters at the same time. Even the wheels can be set down later. Whether solid, louvered or sliding, shutters remain an effective means of protection against cold and heat. As an essential architectural element, they set the tone of the house, just like the front door. For home renovations, antique doors can easily be found in antique shops and replicas of antique door handles. Balconies and awnings can be added to the facade. They are made by ironworkers in the classic style and add an elegant and stylish touch to the ensemble.

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