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  • Inspirations
    Z.I. des Soeurs Ouest - 20 avenue André Dulin BP 30027 20 avenue ANdré Dulin
    Rochefort Cedex
    T. 05 46 88 88 00
    F. 05 46 88 88 22
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    Initiatives Decoration

    Activités : Manufacturer, Dealer
    The decorative have created a range d? coatings, paints and glazes for your walls and your furniture, which will respond to your desires and your imagination. Aspect covering or transparent, matte, satin, soft or bright, so many possibilities that will enable you to myriad d? decorative effects. Immerse yourself in a world all colors and indulge... Good trip... Historically, 'The old cabinetmakers' have been able to perpetuate the savoir faire of our ancestors. In the pure tradition of master cabinetmakers of the faubourg, 'The old cabinetmakers' have improved from old recipes to make them practical and above all easy to use. You will discover how restore buffet inherited from your grandmother or the pedestal table found in a flea market. With the full range of products of ancient cabinetmakers you will unleash your creativity and your furniture will find any light and old-fashioned warmth. The Lakeone line was created in response to your problems on a daily basis. Whether it is clean your tiles, detach your armchair in fabric or maintain your parquet, Lakeone brings you the solution.
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