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  • Inspirations

    Log holder - Fireside accessories

    Log grates, also known as firewood grates or log racks, are accessories designed to store and organize firewood near a fireplace, wood stove or fireplace. They serve to keep the wood elevated from the ground, thus allowing better air circulation and helping to prevent moisture and dirt. Log grates can have different designs and sizes to meet your aesthetic and functional needs.

    Use of log racks:

    Placement: Place the log grate near your fireplace, wood stove or fireplace, so that it is easily accessible and convenient for loading wood.

    Loading: Arrange the logs on the grate in an orderly manner,

    ... making sure to leave enough space for air circulation.

    Organization: Use the log grate to organize different types of wood (for example, dry wood and starter wood) or to separate logs waiting for combustion from those that are ready to be used.

    Storage: The use of a log grate keeps the wood clean and dry, which facilitates combustion and improves heating efficiency.

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