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    School chair - Office chairs

    School chairs are specially designed seats for use in schools, universities and other educational institutions.

    They are designed to be comfortable and durable while promoting proper posture during school hours. These chairs may vary depending on the age of the students, the school level and the specific needs of the educational institution.

    Some of the school chair manufacturers in Europe include:

    KI Europe: KI Europe is a UK-based company that specializes in furniture for educational spaces. They offer a variety of ergonomic school chairs designed for students of different ages.

    VS Möbel: VS Möbel is a German manufacturer of school

    L'INTEGRALE D'AGENCEMENT -  - School Chair

    This chair is part of the 3.4.5 program, a design and innovative school furniture. A school chair ...

    Price upon request
    L'INTEGRALE D'AGENCEMENT -  - School Chair

    This chair is part of the 3.4.5 program, a design and innovative school furniture. Innovative design ...

    Price upon request
    L'INTEGRALE D'AGENCEMENT -  - School Chair

    Price upon request
    L'INTEGRALE D'AGENCEMENT -  - School Chair
    Price upon request
    ... furniture. Their school chairs are designed to be functional, durable and adapted to the needs of modern learning environments.

    SICO Europe: SICO Europe is a company that offers furniture solutions for schools and classrooms. They offer a range of folding and stackable chairs to optimize space in classrooms.

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