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    Fly whisk - Various decoration accessories

    A fly trap is a tool or accessory used to ward off flies and other harmful flying insects. There are different styles of fly catchers, each designed to fulfill this function effectively.

    1. Adhesive tapes or sticky tapes: Adhesive tapes or sticky tapes are generally made from sticky materials such as paper or plastic. They hang in fly-infested areas, and flies stick to them when they touch them. Sticky tapes are cheap and easy to use. Several European manufacturers produce anti-fog adhesive tapes.

    2. Snowshoe Flycatchers: Snowshoe flycatchers are battery-powered electronic devices. They emit a light electric charge when activated,

    ... which electrocute flies and other flying insects when they come into contact with the racket. These devices are more common in areas where flies are a common problem, and they are rechargeable.

    3. Paper Fly Catchers: Paper Fly Catchers are traditional designs consisting of folded paper in the shape of a cone or pyramid. They are usually placed on a plastic or metal base with an attractive bait inside. The flies enter the cone to reach the bait, but they struggle to escape.

    4. Sucker Fly Catchers: Sucker fly catchers are plastic or glass devices filled with liquid that is attractive to flies. Flies are attracted to the liquid and get trapped inside the device.

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