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    Univers :  Swimming pools and Spa

    Swimming pool charms:  A  swimming pool is a haven of relaxation. Ideally, it should merge into the landscape, to look as a natural body of water.

    A pool for every whim: Above ground and inflatable swimming pools are for occasional usage; they are Quick to set up and equally fast to take down; they can be put away for the winter.
    Piscinelle, Technypools, Zodiac Piscine, Jardichalet, Laghetto, Iaso, X-water, Opperman.

    Industrial swimming pools (also known as pool kits) are designed to overcome the main difficulties of traditional building.
    Ultra thin panels are made out of polypropylene, steel, aluminum or thinned concrete with a carrying alveolar structure. Prepared in factories the materials are made and set up with no difficulties. The waterproofing qualities come from a liner (pvc layer) that can have a life expectancy of 5 years. Kit swimming pools are available in any shape. Techniques for laying them down in your garden will be different from one material to another but they are all within the grasp of a knowledgeable handyman.
    Waterair, Aquinox, Reveline.

    Polyester or monohull pools are ...

    Emaux de Briare ARTESIA ARTECTA by International Slate Company PISCINE PLAGE Clair Azur Abrisud CARON PISCINES

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    ... waterproof basins made in one piece out of a mold, just like a boat hull. Made of polyester resin, reinforced with glass fibers, they are extremely resistant and are very fast to install. You will need the help of a professional to make sure you respect some essential rules.
    There are two choices: the “ready to dive” where the manufacturer will take everything in charge.
    Or the « semi-kit » where the wholesaler will take care of delivery, site preparation, basic installation, leveling, and servicing. You are then left to terracing, banking up, and connecting the pool to the hydraulic circuit .Ibiza, Carré bleu, Alliance.

    Traditional pools or concrete pools are made to size. Custom built pools in contrast, will allow you to make your wishes come true, and to trust your constructor with all your ideas. There are three major techniques: the traditional technique which consists in running concrete between two partitions, the agglo casing, and the third which is where concrete is projected onto a metal frame; that is the American technique called “gun it”
    Gérard Gay, Flaquet et Aubert, Reveline, Diffazur, Carré Bleu.

    Coatings The coating on your pool is vital and will determine its final aspect, its waterproof capacity, and the maintenance it will require. You can choose between filler, liners, and tiles.
    Filler is really used for concrete models and when set in by a professional it can last between 5 and 10 years.Liner, (polychlorinated vinyl) is a supple pvc pocket that will be the interior  
    coating of the pool. It is a waterproof material for all kinds of pool shapes. Some liners have integrated decorative elements. Walter Piscine
    Swimming pool tiles or mosaics (glass or Briare enamels) will bring you any colour or pattern to your pool. Be careful, joints in tiles can become a dirt trap.Opiocolor, Ceramgres Emaux de Briare.

    Pool surroundings
    They should be pleasing to the eye. The materials you use will affect the way your pool will integrate into the landscape. The Border of the pool will bring a neat finish and the decking should be wide enough to accommodate the pool lounger, parasol, lounging chair, sun lounger and a garden table.

    The chosen materials should respect the pool’s style.
    Several choices are available:
    Reconstituted stone will imitate natural stone remarkably. For some people though, nothing will replace the authenticity natural stone. Make sure it will be gel resistant and that it won’t be too rough for bare feet Terra cotta will evoke Provencal regions and its subtle nuances. Mosaic is ideal for multiple compositions and for playing with water and light reflections.Wood is a living material, warm and comfortable. It is a good thermal isolator. Stone carpet is silica and resin granulates based. The grain is peculiar and can be supple and colorful.
    Atd teck, Weser, Carré d'arc, Pierra, Stradal, Martial Grux, Bois de rêve

    An exterior shower will complete the surroundings’ décor. Nowadays, they are technologically wonderful and esthetically pleasing. You can hang one from a tree or plant it in the ground; it can be linked to the hot water pipes or warmed in the sun.D'un jardin à l'autre AAD.

    Additional equipment A simple pool ladder is no longer enough; set of stairs will break the monotony of the pool and will make going in and coming out of the pool easier. It is the most convivial place to sit and daydream or chat. A diving board, underwater speakers,pool fountains, lap jets are options that will transform and bring life to your pool. More sophisticated and less common, are the wave balls.

    Pool protection :   Whether your pool be heated or not, a pool cover will limit overnight heat loss, protect the water from leaves and insects and stops children from falling in.
    An automatic pool cover with slats which will slide on the water surface like a rolling shutter with an integrated motorized system under the deck. 

    In summer a bubble coveror foam matt can be put in place manually using a roller system but they are not safety devices for children.

    Pool shelters (top and bottom) have an essential function: they extend bathing seasons.Some models are telescopic; others can be modularly, pushed up, removable, flexible, or foldable. 

    Children safety: the law is clear ! With the increase of the number of private pools, the number of drowning incidents increases too. If pool fences aren’t sufficient or if you are afraid of your children’s foolhardiness, you should try the effectiveness of pool alarms. This system has a powerful warning device which is affective up to 150 meters and will warn you if anything falls in the water. There are also electron medals to be worn around the neck.

    Pool accessories:  have great fun with water noodles, diving rings, mattresses, rubber rings, water slides, Floating or inflatable armchairs and all kinds of aquatic games.

    Pure water :  Filtration is essential to avoid having your pool turning into a swamp zone.
    A skimmer, a drain at water level, will eliminate all particles and filth that will float on the water surface. The opening is equipped with a no return clapper. Algicid is product that will stop algae from developing. Although it doesn’t pose a health risk it will colour the water green and make the bottom of the pool slippery.

    Chemical treatments are unavoidable to eliminate microscopic pathogen germs that filtration will not remove. Chlorine dispensers, pebble dispensers or simple tablets left in the skimmer basket will take care of them.Other techniques or products have a specific action:  brome is adapted to alkaline water, active oxygen is skin friendly, salt electrolyse will slow down algae growth, ozone treatments will destroy water germs without odors. Maintenance isn’t complete without a pool hooveror pool brushes that will remove deposits from the pools sides.The automatic pool cleanerwill do that without surveillance or interference. 

    The pool of your dreams has a price :   From 1 000 to 12 000 euros you can find an above ground pool, to set up yourself and a few kit or monohull pools. From 12 000 to 20 000 Euros: this price range will get you a professional who will be able to propose a traditional pool or a high quality kit pool. For over 20 000 euros, You will be able to afford a pool very precise in taste, which will include all you require from your pool, such as the immediate environment and accessories. You are now ready for big plunge…

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