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    Univers :  Garden Pots

    Flower boxes

    Windowsills, terraces and garden patches are all perfect for saying it with flowers.  According to a recent survey, 75% of the French population has a place to garden whether they live in a house or an apartment. The garden is now the second most important room in the home after the living room and has even supplanted the kitchen in this respect. Its popularity is sustained by a continually renewed offering of planters and window boxes. The latest trend is the jumbo planter.

    Luisa Bocchietto has designed a whole range of pots from 12 cm to 2 metres high. Together, they can turn your garden into a modern art exhibition that would do Jean-Pierre Raynaud proud. The illuminated version creates a magical atmosphere at night.  Standards IP 44 and IP 65 ensure that illuminated flower pots are completely safe outdoors. Square, geometric or curved and green, their lines are resolutely contemporary.  Jean-Pierre Massaud's “Missed Tree” series consists of giant flower boxes in the form of stylised tree trunks that combine to make a forest. The designer wanted to “offer everyone the privilege of dining in the shade even if they don't have room to plant a tree”.

    These sculptural forms are possible thanks to high-tech materials such as polyethylene. Both recyclable and weather-resistant, it is the most widely used plastic along with polyester and resin. Another advantage of these composites is that they are easy to colour. Bright red, lime green, white and gold flowerpots will brighten up your garden. Metal garden containers also add lustre to your plants. Polished aluminium, galvanised steel and brushed zinc are used for their stainless properties and contemporary style. 5.5 designers have chosen concrete for their garden furniture. Both creative and fun, a window box can double as a chair or bench back. The user's green thumbs will soon convert the planter bench into a unique feature. Humanising concrete is one of the goals of apartment buildings today. However, alongside these designer creations, natural materials and conventional shapes are still very popular.  Wooden planters and terracotta garden vases are traditional garden ornaments. 

    Ever-popular Versailles planters are still made according to the wooden model designed by Le Nôtre in the 17th century for the gardens at Versailles. The only innovation is the addition of a metal lining with a water reserve and irrigation system to make plant maintenance easier. Another tradition, from the south of France this time, is the Anduze vase handmade in the Cevennes since the 17th century. Its floral, fruit and escutcheon ornamentation was no doubt inspired by the Medici Vase. Originally flambéed, it can also have a white lead or plain patina. There is no need to have a huge garden to be surrounded by greenery.

    Stackable flowerpots and screen planters are perfect for balconies and small spaces and provide practical, attractive natural separations. With wall-mounted planters, indoor and outdoor green walls are made simple.  The Bourollec Brothers' design consists of three planters on nylon straps with a trellis in-between for climbing plants  that eventually turns into a screen of foliage. Wall fountains can also be installed in a small courtyard or indoors. Water is an essential element of gardening. Olde worlde stone fountains and high-tech stainless cascades add Zen and freshness to outdoor areas. Growing, planting and re-potting put you in touch with the seasons again and are an efficient way of sowing the seeds of serenity. Just ask any gardening enthusiast !
    Sol & Luna CRUZ CUENCA ATELIER SO GREEN Larbaletier Origines LE PRINCE JARDINIER Fd Mediterranee

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