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    Bottle dryer - Around the sink

    The bottle dryer is a practical kitchen accessory designed to facilitate the drying and storage of bottles. Whether you need to dry baby bottles, reusable water bottles, wine bottles or other types of bottles, this tool allows you to do it efficiently while keeping order in your kitchen.

    Thanks to its specially designed drains, the bottle dryer promotes quick and hygienic drying. 

    Practical Uses:

    Bottle Drying: Use it to dry baby bottles, teats and baby accessories hygienically.

    Drying Reusable Bottles: It is ideal for drying water bottles, water bottles, sports bottles and other reusable containers.

    Drying Wine Bottles: Wine lovers

    ... can use it to dry bottles after rinsing or cleaning.

    Organized Storage: It offers an organized storage solution for bottles after drying, thus avoiding mess in the kitchen.

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