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    Foie Gras slicer - Cooking utensils

    The foie gras lyre, also called foie gras cutting lyre, is a tool specially designed to slice pieces of foie gras with precision and elegance. This instrument allows you to cut thin and regular slices, which is essential to highlight the delicate texture of foie gras.


    Stretched Wires: The foie gras lyre is equipped with stainless steel or carbon steel wires stretched between two handles. The threads are adjustable to obtain different thickness of slices.

    Sharp Sharp: The sharp threads of the lyre allow you to cut regular and thin slices without crushing the delicate texture of foie


    Ergonomic Handles: The handles of the lyre are designed to provide a comfortable grip and precise control during cutting.

    Stability: The lyre is often equipped with feet or supports to keep the foie gras stable during cutting.

    Renowned manufacturers:

    De Buyer: This French brand is well known for its high quality kitchen utensils. De Buyer offers traditional foie gras blades with stainless steel wires.

    Mastrad: Mastrad, another French brand, offers a variety of innovative kitchen utensils, including foie gras blades with modern and functional designs.

    Bron Coucke: French manufacturer of professional kitchen utensils, Bron Coucke offers high-end foie gras blades, often used by chefs and cooking enthusiasts.

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